Sabtu, 06 Juni 2015

June 06, 2015 at 06:40PM

Bagi kamu penggemar anime terdamai di dunia, Aria mungkin kamu harus bersorak sorai, karena akan ada 3 episode OVA baru yang akan ditayangkan dengan judul ARIA The AVVENIRE. Akun twitternya memperlihatkan visual yang baru serta 2 karakter baru yang bernama Anya dan Azusa.

Aria the avvenire baru 3 episode ova (2)

  • Atas: Athena, Akira, Alicia
  • Tengah: Anya, Ai, Azusa
  • Bawah: Alice, Akari, Aika

Alice, Akari, dan Aika memiliki gaya rambut yang baru, Athena mendapatkan image baru yang besar, Akira terlihat sama dengan seperti dulu, dan Alicia memakai sebuah suit baru. Ai sekarang sudah terlihat lebih dewasa dan sepertinya dia sudah memiliki beberapa teman baru.

Azusa B. McLaren

Aria the avvenire baru 3 episode ova (3)

Undine tunggal yang bekerja di cabang Himeya, dia sedikit malu bila berada di sekitar Aika. Namun dia sangat menghormati kepemimpinan Aika dan memiliki sedikit kepercayaan diri akan dirinya. Dia juga tipe orang yang selalu menantang dirinya sendiri saat menyangkut keinginannya. Dia selalu mencatat dalam PDAnya saat dia menemukan informasi-informasi yang menarik. Anya adalah teman berlatih Azusa.

Anya Dostoyevskaya

Aria the avvenire baru 3 episode ova

Undine tunggal yang bekerja di planet Orange dan junior dari Alice. Dia sangat tenang tapi memiliki kepribadian yang lembut. Namun dia juga sedikit airhead, sehingga saat dia bertemu dengan teman baru, dia sering berkata sesuatu yang tidak masuk akal seperti, “Itu transmisi Siberia.” Dia juga sering mengatakan hal-hal yang jahat. Sama seperti Azusa dari Himeya, Anya menaruh perhatian kepada Undine baru di Aria Company.


“Capitolo 1: Kepada Mereka Yang Aku Rindukan…”

Hari ini, Ai tetap berlatih menggunakan Gondolanya dengan Akari. Mereka secara tidak sengaja bertemu dengan Aika dan Alice di perairan yang sama. Sejak mereka bertiga menjadi Prima Undine, mereka terlalu sibuk untuk berkumpul bersama. Bagi Akari, ini adalah sebuah ‘keajaiban’ sesaat’, dia kemudian mulai bercerita tentang masa lalu. Dimana topiknya berubah menjadi ulang tahun Alicia.

“Capitolo 2: Perpisahan Yang Hangat Itu…”

Suatu hari, Ai sedang mengobrol kepada Akari dengan bersemangat mengenai sesuatu yang ‘ajaib’ yang terjadi saat dia sedang berlatih. Dia sedang berjalan di jalan yang tidak dia ketahui saat dia melihat bayangan Cait Sith. Dia kemudian mengejar bayangan tersebut dan bertemu dengan 2 Undine tunggal Azusa dan Anya. Saat Akari mendengarkan cerita Ai, Akari kemudian mengingat-ngingat kapan pertemuan terakhirnya dengan Cait Sith.

“Capitolo 3: Kepada Masa Depan Yang Jauh Disana…”

Episode ini akan menjadi adaptasi anime yang benar-benar baru dari manga buatan Amano Kozue.

anime baru aria semoga ada

Dengan adanya karakter baru dan harapan akan adanya season lanjutan dari seri yang membuat dirimu damai ini, apakah akhirnya ARIA akhirnya akan berlanjut lagi.

sumber: Kitakubu

Visual Terbaru ARIA The AVVENIRE Memperlihatkan 2 Karakter Baru

June 06, 2015 at 06:06PM

Bosan diledek para pemain game Japanese karena kamu hanya dapat memainkan Trails of the Sky FC, sementara mereka sudah mencicipi game ke7 dari seri Trails? Kagum melihat Sen no Kiseki yang mendapat banyak overhaul dari game-game trails sebelumnya? XSEED games baru saja mengumumkan kabar gembira untukmu!

Ada apa fans Trails? Apakah Trails SC game terakhir dari Kiseki series? Tidak! Trails of Cold Steel I & II akan segera tiba!


Sen no Kiseki yang berbeda dengan seri kiseki sebelumnya, dengan meninggalkan chibi sprite menjadi full 3D model, mampu meneruskan tradisi seri kiseki dengan menjadi game terbaik pilihan pengunjung Tokyo Game Show pada masing-masing tahunnya. Game dengan jalan cerita yang memukau dan terus berhubungan dengan seri kiseki lainnya (kecuali Nayuta no Kiseki) kini memasuki arc Erebonian Empire, negara militer yang dipenuhi intrik politik dan konflik antara kaum bangsawan dan kaum reformis yang dipimpin oleh perdana menteri berdarah besi mereka, ditambah dengan munculnya organisasi teroris yang misterius membuat situasi menjadi semakin pelik.

class VII

Cerita Trails of Cold Steel berpusat pada Rean Schwarzer, murid baru dari Thors Military Academy yang mendapati dirinya mengenakan seragam yang berbeda dengan sebagian besar murid-murid lainnya, mendapati dirinya terpilih menjadi anggota kelas ketujuh, dengan kurikulum khusus dan guru pemabuk cantik. Bersama-sama dengan teman sekelas dari berbagai macam status sosial, mereka menjalani misi demi misi sambil perlahan-lahan menguak apa yang sebenarnya sedang terjadi pada Erebonian Empire.

Trails of…”Cold Steel”?


Penggemar Trails series akan tahu bahwa “Sen” dari Sen no Kiseki dimaksudkan Falcom sebagai kilau pantulan cahaya pada pedang yang sedang ditarik dari sarungnya. Kesulitan mencari translasi yang sesuai dalam bahasa Inggris, XSEED memilih cold steel dengan beberapa alasan:

– Setting cerita di Thors Military Academy, sebuah tempat di Erebonia Empire dengan banyak anak muda yang memulai kehidupan sekolah dan mempelajari strategi perang pada waktu yang sama. konflik dan senjata menjadi tema, dan XSEED menginginkan kata-kata yang bisa dikaitkan dengan pedang besi.

– Kata “Sen” terdengar cukup serius, sehingga mereka menyimpulkan bahwa steel saja tidak cukup, cold steel dianggap mampu menggambarkan negara militer Erebonia dengan lebih baik.

Soundtrack untuk battle berjudul The Glint of Cold Steel

– Waktu mereka mengunjungi kantor Falcom dan menawarkan judul alternatif tersebut, mereka mendapat respon yang positif dan rupanya Falcom juga sempat mempertimbangkan penggunaan kata steel pada judul game ini.

Mungkin banyak diantara kalian yang mempertanyakan, bagaimana kabar dari game ke3 hingga ke5 dari seri Trails? Akankah kita dapat melihat si cantik nan seksi Rixia Mao Crossbell arc dilokalisasi ke dalam bahasa Inggris? Kabar buruk untuk kalian, tampaknya ini akan menjadi hal yang sulit direalisasikan.

Rixia countdown

Inilah poin-poin penting yang menghambat lokalisasi Zero no Kiseki dan Ao no Kiseki ke dalam bahasa Inggris, seperti telah diutarakan oleh pengguna twitter @Varion87

– Falcom tidak pernah merilis versi PC dari Zero/Ao no Kiseki

– Evo (versi PS Vita) port dilakukan oleh Chara-ani, bukan Falcom, programming ulang akan sulit

– Mengambil dari Evo juga sangat berat karena Evo sepenuhnya disuarakan, XSEED bukanlah perusahaan dengan dana besar, sehingga dubbing akan memakan biaya yang besar, serta fakta menunjukkan bahwa game dengan pilihan audio bahasa Jepang saja kurang menjual

– Lokalisasi versi PSP juga tidak memungkinkan karena platform PSP sudah dianggap mati, dengan besarnya skenario dan uang yang harus dikeluarkan untuk melokalisasinya, profit yang bisa diharapkan tidak besar.

Presiden Falcom, Kondo Toshihiro merasa ini bukanlah suatu hal besar, karena Falcom menginginkan agar Trails of Cold Steel, serta Zero/Ao memungkinkan untuk dimainkan tidak berurutan, namun tetap memuaskan bagi fans baru. Perspektif yang didapat oleh para gamer yang memainkan Trails of Cold Steel terlebih dahulu akan berbeda, namun esensi dari keseluruhan cerita pada benua Zemurian akan tetap sama. Sejujurnya saya memainkan Kiseki series dengan urutan yang lebih aneh lagi: Zero -> Sora FC & SC -> Sen -> Sora the 3rd -> Ao -> Sen II.

Sebagai seorang yang telah menyelesaikan sampai Sen no Kiseki (Sen no Kiseki II masih belum diselesaikan karena kesibukan sehari-hari), melewati Crossbell arc memang terasa sangat disayangkan, namun bila support untuk Trails of the Sky SC dan Trails of Cold Steel besar dan XSEED games bisa mendapatkan banyak profit darinya, mungkin Crossbell arc dapat dilokalisasikan ke bahasa Inggris di masa depan.

Saat ini, Trails of Cold Steel sudah sepenuhnya ditranslasikan dan sedang menjalani tahap akhir editing, dengan jadwal rilis musim gugur 2015, dengan rilis game fisik pada platform PS3 dan PS Vita. Sudah main Trails of the Sky FC? Sudah liat ending cliffhangernya yang luar biasa? nantikan Trails of the Sky SC yang juga akan segera hadir dalam waktu yang dekat!


Laura❤ Tapi saya lanjut ke Sen no Kiseki II pakai save ending Alisa

Blog XSEED Games

Tidak Hanya Trails of the Sky SC, Trails of Cold Steel 1 & 2 Akan Hadir Pada PC!

June 06, 2015 at 04:45PM

Ulang tahun adalah hari yang berarti bagi pemiliknya, antara artinya umurmu akan bertambah, atau berkurang, tergantung kamu mau memilih yang mana. Mungkin di hari yang berbahagia tersebut, kamu juga ingin tahu karakter anime yang berulang tahun bersamamu, tapi kamu terlalu malas untuk mencari di google. Namun sekarang, ada situs yang akan membuat pencarian tersebut lebih mudah.

ulang tahun bersamaan dengan karakter anime (2)

Kyaratan, adalah situs yang dapat memberitahumu siapakah karakter anime yang merayakan ulang tahunnya sama denganmu. Apakah ternyata kamu berulang tahun bersamaan dengan waifumu, atau kamu ternyata ulang tahun bersamaan dengan karakter anime yang paling kamu benci, sekarang kamu bisa mengetahuinya.

ulang tahun bersamaan dengan karakter anime

Dalam situs ini, pertama-tama kamu harus memilih bulan ulang tahunmu, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan memilih tanggal berapa kamu ulang tahun dan kamu dapat melihat daftar karakter anime yang berulang tahun bersamamu.

Kamu juga bisa melihat ulang tahun seri anime kesukaanmu, atau mencari ulang tahun karakter kesukaanmu berdasarkan alfabet.

ulang tahun bersamaan dengan karakter anime (4)
Mencari ulang tahun seri.

ulang tahun bersamaan dengan karakter anime (3)
Mencari ulang tahun karakter.

Karena itu mari kita cari tanggal ulang tahun beberapa penulis JOI. Omong-omong, ini bukan modus supaya kita dikirimi hadiah ulang tahun loh ya. Tapi gak apa-apa kok kalo mau ngirim kita gak bakal nolak.

  • Signum/18 Juli: Pak guru Terada (Cardcaptor Sakura)
  • Bukan Randy/12 Juli: Soichiro Yagami (Death Note)
  • NanaMiku/21 Januari: Takane Manaka (THE iDOLM@STER), Nana Mizuki
  • Dedemit/7 Juni: Kirisaki Chitoge (Nisekoi)

Sayangnya ulang tahun saya bukanlah setara dengan ulang tahun Signum (n0t that Signum has any birth date to begin with.) Namun yang pasti, bila kamu tidak bisa mendapatkan Chitoge di dunia asli, mungkin kamu bisa mendapatkan Dedemit yang ulang tahunnya sama, siapa tahu jodoh!

sumber: Kyaratan
gambar: Seiga

Situs Ini Memberitahu Siapa Karakter Anime Yang Merayakan Ulang Tahun Bersamamu

Rabu, 03 Juni 2015

June 04, 2015 at 05:00AM

Aibo Sep 2005

Remember AIBO, the futuristic pet robot from Sony that amazed us with its dog-like appearance and behavior when it came out in 1999? It was probably one of the first examples of artificial intelligence the general public got a taste of, and we were quite duly fascinated with the antics of the robotic dogs, as evidenced by the fact that the first batch of 3,000 AIBOs sold out in just 20 minutes despite its 250,000 yen (about US$2,100 according to the exchange rate back then) price tag.

But now, more than 15 years down the line, AIBO owners who have become attached to their cybernetic pets, are facing a grave situation — an aging and ailing (or breaking down, in this case) population of AIBOs.

Aibo Sep 2005 (2)

The AIBO, which not only looked like a dog but came programmed so that each one would develop a distinct personality depending on its interactions with its owner, indeed seemed to symbolize the future at the time it was released. It’s estimated that roughly 150,000 AIBOs were sold in total, but it appears the business of developing intelligent robotic pets wasn’t quite profitable enough, as Sony decided to discontinue production of the AIBOs in 2006.

As sad a development as that was for AIBO fans, the big problem now for owners of the electronic pet is that Sony’s repair service for AIBO, the “AIBO Clinic”, was also closed in March last year. The predicament of these owners has been the topic of a recent article on Japanese news and information compilation site Karapaia.

The article focuses particularly on elderly AIBO owners who have come to rely on these robotic dogs for companionship and peace of mind. For them, seeing their AIBOs “grow old” and malfunction, sometimes needing new parts that are no longer available, is a heartbreaking experience, and with the repair service now shut down, they are having to come to terms with the “mortality” of the pets they had thought would never grow old or die.

To the owners who have spent many years with their AIBOs and treated them like a member of the family, this can be a surprisingly difficult experience.

▼ Major Japanese network TV Asahi showed a segment last year about AIBO owners struggling to accept the unexpected mortality of their mechanical pets:

But there is still a glimmer of hope. For desperate owners trying to find a cure for their ailing AIBOs, A・FUN, a company specializing in vintage machine repairs, could be their savior. The company was started by former Sony engineers, so we guess there are no better people to turn to if your precious AIBO is in need of some treatment and care.

According to the Karapaia article, when the engineers decided to take on AIBO repairs, they had to start by taking one of the robots apart and studying the incredibly complex machinery inside — no easy task, and made even more difficult by the fact that Sony was no longer making parts for AIBO.

But the engineers persevered, propelled by the love of the AIBO owners for their long-time companions, and they are now at a point where they are able to perform “transplants” of parts between AIBOs and even custom make the necessary parts in some cases.

As a matter of fact, they even held a “group funeral service“ back in January this year for 19 decommissioned AIBOs whose parts would then be used for other AIBOs needing a transplant.

▼ The first generation AIBO that came out in 1999:

Aibo 1st gen

▼ And here’s a promotional video showing a later generation AIBO from 2003 in action:

Considering the amount of time and love these owners have given to their AIBOs, it’s not surprising that the engineers at A・FUN are being kept extremely busy with inquiries and repair requests. Hopefully, their work will allow many owners to spend a much longer time with their beloved pets than would be otherwise possible.

Karapaia’s article raises the issue of  whether it is reasonable to treat robots with artificial intelligence in the same way as regular toys. Should a company be allowed to cut off repair service for a machine that responds to you and grows with you? As technology progresses, this is the kind of question that we are sure to be facing more and more frequently. We can’t help wonder, how much longer will it be until we see kids playing with humanoid robots, and when that happens, will we be discarding these robots when they stop working or their parts become unavailable?

Source: Karapaia (Japanese)
Top Image: SONY Sep. 29, 2005 Press Release
Inset images: SONY Sep. 29, 2005 Press Release, SONY May 11, 1999 Press Release

We thought robots didn’t die! The demise of the AIBO robot dogs and the fight to keep them alive

June 04, 2015 at 03:30AM

bike safety top

There’s no shortage of people doing out of the ordinary things on bikes in Japan. It’s not uncommon to see people riding while holding umbrellas, having their whole bikes covered in a parka, using a walking bicycle, or even a bicycle specifically made for wearing a kimono.

But the golden era of crazy Japan cycling may have come to an end. As of June 2015, a set of 14 laws have been passed nationwide to enforce safe and correct use of bicycles. If you plan on riding a two-wheeled foot-powered vehicle in Japan, then you may want to check them over to make sure that you don’t end up having to pay a hefty fine.

To be fair, the new laws won’t send you to jail or make you bankrupt if you make one mistake while cycling around Japan. The new policy simply says that if you are caught doing any of the illegal actions below twice or more in a three-year period, then you have to take a class on bicycle safety. The class costs 5,700 yen (US$46), and if you decide you’d rather skip out on it, that will cost you 50,000 yen ($404).

So with that out of the way, here are the 14 things you need to be careful not to do while riding your bike in Japan:

1. Ignoring Traffic Signals

Well that’s a given. Remember, green means go, and red means resist all temptation to floor it through the intersection.

2. Riding in Prohibited Areas

Another pretty straightforward one.

▼ Bicycles belong on the road, not in the water.

8633640887_b0669fe102_zFlickr (Nick Page)

3. Riding Unsafely on Footpaths/Riding on Undesignated Pedestrian Roads

Since bicycles are classified as small vehicles, the law states that they must be ridden on the road whenever possible, unless the operator is a child, or there are signs that allow for bicycles to be ridden on the same stretch of pavement that pedestrians are using. Cyclists are also expected to ride at slow speeds when on sidewalks to avoid collisions.

4. Riding in the Wrong Lane

If there is a bicycle lane available on the road, cyclists are expected to use it. If there is no bicycle lane, then they are expected to ride along with the flow of vehicle traffic.

▼ Remember, in Japan that means you ride on the left side of the road, just like this gentleman is doing.

2611693058_0bf7a0ebe1_zFlickr (Steve Voght)

5. Obstructing Pedestrians

This doesn’t just mean you’re not supposed to get all up in pedestrians’ grill and ride in circles around them or harass them. It means always yielding to pedestrians, giving them the right of way, and maintaining a safe, slow speed whenever you are sharing a road with them.

6. Crossing through Active Railroad Crossings

Yeah, don’t cross over the railroad tracks when the lights are flashing and the guard rails are down. That’s just not a good idea.

7. Ignoring Intersection Safety

When you get to an intersection, be sure to stop, check to see who has the right of way, then proceed carefully. Bursting through with your eyes closed and hoping for the best will probably not work out the way you want it to.

▼ You don’t want your bike (or yourself!) to end up as food for the Wheel Whale.

15064788391_b34cbe6969_zFlickr (Michael Coghlan)

8. Obstructing an Intersection

If you’re making a right turn across an intersection (the equivalent of a left turn going across the intersection in right-side driving countries), and you have to wait for traffic to make your turn, be sure to move up enough to let the drivers behind you who want to go straight and turn left get past. You don’t want to cause a backup.

9. Riding Unsafely in Roundabouts/Rotaries

Oh those big, circular roadways. It’s like a ferris wheel, but for moving vehicles than can slam into each other! Be sure to enter, ride, and exit observing all traffic rules.

10. Not Obeying Stop Signs

So, the sign says “stop.” It is usually in your best interest to listen to the sign.

▼ This sign says “stop” too. Please listen to the sign. It’s trying its hardest to keep you safe.

6987746852_8bfa0094e3_oFlickr (Yukako Hinagu)

11. Not Stopping at Crosswalks

This is another item on the list to emphasize how cyclists are expected to give pedestrians the right of way. If you’re on a bike and you want to make use of a crosswalk, then you’re expected to stop before crossing if there are pedestrians also using it.

12. Riding a Bike with Poor Brakes

Not exactly sure why you’d want to ride a bike with ineffective brakes, or even one with no brakes at all. But if you were a fan for some reason, your days of crashing into things to stop your bike are over. Also, be aware that having brakes on only of your wheels can get you in trouble too; both the front and rear wheels need working brakes.

▼ Or else this might happen to you.

9176187566_e481672d6b_zFlickr (Brad Hammonds)

13. Riding Under the Influence

If you’re planning on riding your bike back home from a nomikai (drinking party) with your coworkers, now is the time to start thinking of alternate plans. Either get someone else who hasn’t been drinking to drive you (and possibly your folding bike too?) home, or make use of all those taxi phone numbers most Japanese bars and izakaya (pubs) happily provide.

14. Not Riding Safely

Ah, the old catch-all. This basically covers anything else that could be considered operating a bicycle unsafely. This includes, but is certainly not limited to, riding one-handed, holding an umbrella while riding, and/or using a cellphone while riding.

▼ We’re also pretty sure that this unfortunately includes riding with adorable pets.

1475776461_12c8b390ed_zFlickr (m.louis)

Keep in mind that the laws apply to everyone aged 14 and older, and the two-strike policy is cumulative all over Japan. So if you get caught breaking one of the above somewhere in Tokyo, and then you get caught again a few months later in another prefecture, that’s your two strikes right there. You’ll have to hit the books and ace your bicycle safety class before you’re allowed back on the road.

We know it’s asking a lot of those out there who just love riding their no-brakes bike while drunk and carrying on a cellphone conversation, but in the interest of keeping everyone safe on the road, let’s all try to obey the new laws as best we can!

Featured/top image © RocketNews24
[ Read in Japanese ]

14 things never to do on a bicycle in Japan with new traffic laws

June 04, 2015 at 02:00AM

One of the first things you notice when you come to Japan is how great everybody looks. The guys all know how to wear a suit, and the ladies dress conservatively and stylishly. In fact, it’s a well-known phenomenon that many foreigners who arrive in Japan for a prolonged stay will, within a few weeks, start smartening themselves up as a direct result of the example set by fashion and beauty-conscious Japanese.

But a shocking and kind of sad survey has revealed that in terms of being happy with their looks, the people of Japan are actually ranked bottom in the world

The survey, conducted by German market research company GfK and which asked a total of 270,000 people aged 15 and older to rate their own looks, revealed that of the 22 countries surveyed, Japan ranked lowest in terms of overall satisfaction with one’s own physical appearance.

Mexico ranked number one for self-confidence, and China was somewhere in the middle. Turkey, Brazil, and Ukraine also ranked highly.

Interestingly, 55 percent of all polled participants answered that they were “quite satisfied” with their looks, and only 3 percent answered that they were “not at all satisfied.”

Sadly, 38 percent of Japan’s participants reported being “not at all satisfied” or “not very satisfied” with their appearance. This seems strange in a country where people often put a great deal of time and money into grooming themselves, but perhaps the bar is simply set higher here, with such a premium being placed on personal attractiveness.

▼ Why are Japanese people so hard on their looks?

Flickr – dat-pics

For a little extra context, Britain also ranked low in terms of self-confidence with 20 percent of those surveyed rating themselves as “not at all satisfied” or “not very satisfied” with their own appearance. Russia, South Korea, Sweden and Australia also ranked low with 19 percent. Brits may be self-deprecating by nature, and with its reliance on cosmetic enhancements South Korea is an unsurprising addition to the list, but we’re still a little surprised by some of these figures.

You can see an easy-to-understand infographic with all of this data on the GfK website here. Where does your country rank?

Source: Livedoor News via Hachima Kikou, Yahoo! Finance UK, GfK
Main image: Flickr – istolethetv

Japanese people aren’t happy with their looks, ranked world’s lowest in self-confidence

June 04, 2015 at 12:30AM

PK 1

Ever wonder what type of bait you should use when hunting for your very own Pikachu? Apparently the answer is ketchup, at least if we’re going by what Japanese food and beverage company Kagome is telling us about the preferences of the most famous of all Pokémon.

Kagome just kicked off its Pikachu Loves Ketchup promotion, and shoppers who buy the company’s sauces can redeem proofs of purchase for adorable Pikachu ketchup bottle toppers plus a chance to win an exclusive Pikachu plate or stuffed animal.

To get your hands on these unique Pikachu specimens, you won’t have to wander the country or go tossing Poké balls around. Instead, you’ll need to hunt down applicable Kagome products, remove their bar codes, and mail them in to the company.

Kagome actually has a ton of different ketchup varieties, but it looks like they’re all part of this special offer. Specifically, bar codes from Kagome’s tomato ketchup, tomato ketchup half, organic tomato ketchup, tomato ketchup for adults, and tomato ketchup premium can all be used, as well as those from the company’s Worcester, tonkatsu, Chinese-style, and fragrant stir-fry sauces.

PK 2

Sending in three bar codes automatically gets you one of four Pikachu Kagome ketchup squeeze bottle caps, selected at random.

▼ Unfortunately, unlike the Pokémon games, you can’t just go back and save scum if you don’t get the exact one you want.

PK 3

In addition, you can apply for one of two other prizes which Kagome will be holding drawings for, giving away 1,000 of each. Those who send in one bar code will have a chance at being randomly selected for a Pikachu rice omelet plate, which is appropriate since the egg-wrapped dish is usually as bright yellow as Pikachu himself and seasoned with ketchup.

▼ Kagome’s website even gives instructions on how to draw the little guy’s face.

PK 4

Or, if you’re sending in three bar codes, you can apply for the exclusive Kagome Pikachu stuffed animal.

▼ The plate (left) and stuffed animal (right), which proves that Pikachu is heart-meltingly cute even when doing something as mundane as holding condiments.

PK 5

Would-be Pokémon Masters of the dinner table can download the entry card to be mailed in with the bar codes here. The promotion runs from now until August 31, meaning that if you make Kagome your go-to brand for your summer barbeques, you should have a nice little stable of Pocket Monsters to show for it.

Sources: Kagome (1, 2) via Inside Games, Jin
Top image: Kagome
Insert images: Kagome

Gotta catsup ‘em all! Japanese condiment maker giving away exclusive Pikachus this summer