Rabu, 03 Juni 2015

June 03, 2015 at 04:00PM


Calling all anime enthusiasts and obsessive collectors! Today we have a very special announcement that will put a big smile on your face and have you doing flappy hands like a sugar-rushing toddler in a toy shop. Thanks to the good people at Stone Bridge Press, we have one hardback and three electronic copies of the incredible The Anime Encyclopedia 3rd Revised Edition to give away!

Join us after the jump to find out how to make this book your own.

It’s been called “impressive”, “exhaustive”, and even “labyrinthine”, but when our copy of The Anime Encyclopedia 3rd Revised Edition arrived in the office, the first words to come out of our mouths were: “That’s frickin’ huge.”

Think we’re exaggerating? Here’s the book alongside a previous edition:


▼ Ahem.


▼ Brain-addling levels of information – all cross-referenced and lovingly written.


Containing over a millions words spanning 1,160 pages and with a street value of US$120, The Anime Encyclopedia 3rd Revised Edition does not cut any corners. By far the most exhaustive collection of anime listings we’ve ever seen, all presented in a style that makes other reference books feel like a field trip to the box factory, this compendium is as informative as it is impressive to behold.

And, because we love you, we begged the folks at Stone Bridge Press to give us four copies (one hardback, three electronic) to give away for free. That’s right, gratis. A grand total of zero yennies to pay.

To be in with a chance of winning either the hardback book or an electronic copy, follow these four simple steps:

– Step 1. This is a big – nay, gargantuan – book, so show us how deserving of it you are by taking a photo of yourself surrounded by your equally epic anime and merch collection. Don’t be afraid to get creative – size matters to a point, but we also want to see some ingenuity here so show us what you’ve got! (Unless it’s your junk – no one wants to see that.) If you’re especially shy then it’s OK to disguise yourself somehow or hide your face with something anime-related like in the example pic below, but make sure you’re in the photo too.


– Step 2. Like and follow RocketNews24 on Facebook. (Why you wouldn’t have done this already, we don’t know. Maybe you hate us?)

– Step 3. Send us a message via our Facebook page and attach your entry photo. Clearly label your message “Anime Encyclopedia Giveaway” so we can spot it amidst all the spam and Mr Sato fan mail we get.

– Step 4. Think happy thoughts, send Stone Bridge Press some good vibes, and await the announcement of the winners at the end of next week.

Wait! Before you run off to shape your eyebrows and arrange your various anime goods in an aesthetically pleasing manner, take a minute to read the rules.

 – The Rules –

1. Only one entry per person.
2. Feel free to write us a little message along with your photo, but please attach only one pic with your message. Multiple pics will go in the bin.
3. Contest closes at 09:00am (JST) on Thursday, June 11. Any entries arriving after that won’t be eligible, sorry.
4. By submitting a photo, you are also giving RocketNews24 permission to publish it, along with your name, on our website and social media platforms when announcing the winners.
5. To be in with a chance of winning a hardback copy of the book, you MUST live in the US, or at the very least have a US postal address to which the book can be mailed. Sorry, guys and girls, but this book is just so huge that it’d cost a small fortune to ship it overseas.
6. No cash alternatives, be kind to animals, yada yada yada.

The winners will be contacted directly via Facebook, at which point we’ll need to ask for a contact email address (for winners of the digital copies) and/or a postal address (for the winner of the hardback book).

OK, you’ve read the rules and know what to do, so get cracking! Good luck!

It’s huge!! Win a copy of The Anime Encyclopedia 3rd Revised Edition!

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